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Saturday, January 15, 2011

saturday morning snowshoe

Workout: 2 hour snowshoe
Location: Brooksvale Park, Hamden, CT
Time: 7:45a.m.
Folks: Anne, Fran, me
Conditions: Packed powder, fresh powder, rolling
Temp: 10 degrees at start; 24 degrees at finish

The air felt almost balmy after Friday morning’s run—that is, until we had to strap our boots into our snowshoes. It took an unusually long time for our hands to warm up, and we had to stop at several points to pull our fingers into our mittens and generate some heat.

The trail had clearly been trod upon by snow-shoers and x-c skiers, but still we had to work, as the snow is that deep. We took turns leading. At the pipeline trail, the steepest portion of the course, the snow was untracked, and the workout was exactly what we’d been hoping for. I had been a little uneasy about substituting a snowshoe for a long run, but a snow-lover would be a lunatic to pass up the opportunity to play in all of this powder. And my quads were beginning to feel the burn at the top of the hill. Only the slightest hint, I’m sure, of what I’ll be feeling after Traprock, but not a bad training workout. Keep the snow coming!

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